Sunday, November 6, 2011

Muddiest Point

Hey! It's Kara S! So my muddiest point is an antigen the same thing as a pathogen? or does a pathogen turn into an antigen?


  1. A pathogen is what causes a specific disease but an antigen is just something that causes the immune system to respond
    so they're kinda similar
    i dont know if that answers your question though

  2. just adding on and kara speak the same language haha

    ok so the pathogen is the "disease causing agent" so i kinda think of it as the BAD GUY.

    then the antigen is almost like the "symptoms" that trigger the immune response. (btdubss immune response is when the body recognizes the pathogen-BAD GUY-in the body.

    sorry ik this is long almost this is how i think of it >> the pathogen is the bad guy (comits crime or whatevs) then the antigen is like the evidence left behind.

    i hope this helped and if this is totaly wrong then just ignore it :))
    PS pwitty haiw
