Monday, November 7, 2011

Muddiest Point!

Hi, My Muddiest Point is kind of simple. I don't understand what te difference between the agents of disease are!

I know the difference between bacteria and viruses, but I don't understand what makes Fungi, and pathogens, and Protists different!


  1. Hey ben its Jarod. these are the things i know, fungi is the general being of all funguses. they grow in the are from fungus spores(usually) and grow on surfaces. pathogens is the broad spectrum of things that are infectious. protist is the name i think for all unicellular organisms like the tetrohimina we used in the beginning of the year. i hope this helped.

  2. Fungus is a eukarotic organism that includes mold, yeast, and mushrooms.

    A Pathogen is bacteria, virus, fungi, or protists that infects a plant or animal. its just a general name for all of them.

    A Protist is a member of the Protista kingdom. they can be unicellular or multicellurlar.
