Monday, December 5, 2011


Today in class, we learned about PEDIGREES!

Pedigrees are used to trace inheritance through families. So basically it's what people use to find out who had what traits in a family, and what probability other people in the family have of getting that trait.

The picture below is a pedigree for the inheritance of red-green color blindness. The boxes are boys, and the circles are girls. Also the fully shaded boxes/circles mean that the person is colorblind. While the half shaded ones mean that they carry the trait for it, but it is not dominant. The empty ones mean that they don't have the trait at all

next scribe is: Shane

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't the carriers be represented with dots, not half-colored circles - because only half-colored circles are used to represent carriers of autosomal traits...and dots to represent carriers of sex-linked traits?
