Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hey guys! So sorry I forgot to do this yesterday. Yesterday in class, we started Unit 7 which is called, "Evolution". Evolution is defined as the changing of species over time. The amount of time that we are talking about is hundreds of millions of years. A very important man who brought this idea up was Darwin. His theory stated that species can change over time. This idea came up when he noticed how creatures could be different from one island to the next. This changing can either be beneficial to the species or can affect the species negatively. A negative effect can result in extinction because their new or old adaptions (characteristics) may not fit in with its environment. When most people think of the word evolution, the first thing that comes to their mind is that us as humans, evolved from apes/monkeys. But, the truth is that we share a common ancestor with apes. So to conclude, we all are apes.

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