Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Muddiest Point

Hey guys! So far in this chapter, my muddiest point was probably identifying each trophic levels on the chart. I did not understand how one organism could be 2nd and 3rd order consumer. Especially on the charts that had a lot of organisms on it.


  1. hey magsss! ok im going to try and help you out but you are definitely smarter than me but here it goes...ok so on the chart the one on the bottom was producers and the three levels above were the consumers. so first level consumers eat the producers and the second level consumers eat the first level producers. then the third level consumers eat the second level consumers. so that picture we looked at in class with the swamp i think and there was a bunch of lines connecting the animals showing which of the animals eat the other animals and the hawk was at the top because it was the third connected line...? i hope thats right if not then never mind <3

  2. Try reading my comments to MikeH and Anka.
