Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reflection on Tuesday, 9/13/11

Hi it's Eunice! Today in biology, we were supposed to have read 4.2 and do a strategy of your choice (cornell notes, double bubble, etc) for homework, but it is postponed to tomorrow!

About 10 minutes after class started, we went to the IMC and got with our groups to research for the Duckweed Presentation. We got the rubrics to divide Purpose Statement, Intro, Hypothesis Statement, Materials and Procedure, Results, Conclusion- (Claim and Evidence, Error Analysis, Why so important?). This can be done on a poster board, a powerpoint, etc. Also, each group chose the "brain" of the group, someone who can lead and get it all together. This presentation is worth a total of 25 points and it will be due next Friday. Groups would have to meet and finish it up on their own time, because today was the only day to research and get started with your group. Additionally, Mrs. Stein talked about some examples of alien species and close-to-distinct species, such as polar bears, deers, etc for us to choose from. That's basically what we did today, just talking about our Duckweed Presentation and discussing ideas of species and the presentation with your group~


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