New Tables!!!!!
First day back from the long weekend, its a Monday. first thing i see when i walk into my first period bio class, BOOM! new tables. these tables allow us to ask for help from our peers sitting next to us and give me more room to put my junk on t he desk. after i got over the fact that these new table, alt though a little to short for my liking, are awesome, we learned about taxonomy. when i first heard this word the first this i thought of was animals that are stuffed so they can be kept in some room. i quickly learned that this is the exact opposite. taxonomy is the study of classifying animals we learned about the different classifications of animals and which level is which in the study of taxonomy. this carried over into the next day. we continued our notes on taxonomy and did some hands on things with this by classifying different types of aliens. we then were assigned the task of using a chart to find out what species sharks where based on their physical appearance . this was actually an interesting assignment being able to use one chart to find out their species of many different animals.o ya, last but not least we learned about some strange animals over the past two days. we learned about a slime eel that has survived based on the fact that it uses its slime to get away and the star nose mole that to only is the worlds fastest eater but the fact that is relies on is amazing nose to find food. so aside from the fact we have these new awesome tables we learned some pretty interesting stuff too.
next scribe is Jarod